20 Mar 1995 Here's a simple airfield with a 10,000 ft instrument runway. It took many late nights to construct. Everything is to scale and is accurate as I can make it without having the blueprints to an airfield. I used a private pilot's study guide to model the runway. Sorry about the 9 million different surface labels but thats how I think when I'm modelling. Also included in this archive is the gear down version of my EF111a Raven. This pig took more of my time than I thought. Again it is to scale and is accurate as possible without having blueprints :) . You will notice that I have a bazillion surface names for this object as well although there has been no actual quality surfacing done. Frankly I'm tired of seeing the thing and will probably never finish it. That is why I am including it in this double archive. For anybody wondering, the gear up version of the EF-111a was a victim of it's author's stupidity when he saved over it. All these objects were created by myself and I will accept no responsibility for damage and suffering caused by them. Use at your own risk. If you do use them please include my name somewhere as I am a starving artist that needs all the recognition that I can get. Thanks Jim Cable 1091 Appian Way Lawrenceville GA, 30245 For job offers and Sweepstakes winnings the best route to get a hold of me is through the good old US Mail. I just moved here to Atlanta and don't have any Fido net connections yet.